Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hello friends and family! Well it's been exactly 2 months since Pat and Pam's surprise 60th birthday party! It was the night before the party that I injured my knee! Although I have maintained my schedule at the gym, I haven't been able to run since last week, which was the first week of the beginner training schedule! Lucky me! I am on target with that schedule and still pain free! Pam and I did our 7 km run on Monday morning on the beautiful Mission Creek Trail. She very politely matched my slow pace! Must admit to walkiing several times during the run but I made it. We had a guest runner named "Molly", a beautiful golden lab that Pam is taking care of. So.... the three of us enjoyed the beauty of nature, the creek, ducks, birds and the early signs of spring! I've had a few emails regarding the "reunion" part of this event, with hotel suggestions and dinner/brunch venue ideas. I think the priority now is to find out how many of us require a hotel reservation. Is your preference to have the dinner/brunch the day prior to the event or the day of the event? It would be special if we could all participate! Please post your comments and preferences or send me an email and I will continue with Pam to research our options. On a personal note, I have sold my business (Deeco Spa) and will be finished at the end of April. This is exciting for me as I will have so much more time to train for the half marathon, travel, and enjoy my friends and family! A special thanks to Corri for organizing the communication and training schedules. Now, I'm offically a "blogger"!! Happy training everyone! Dee


ecorrina said...

Good job Aunty Dee. Glad to hear that you are pain free and running again. My vote is for some kind of get together after the run. Because we are already in the Lower Mainland, we will probably not stay in a hotel but not 100% sure yet.

pamedgar said...

Way to go Dee! Perhaps a brunch after the run would be a good idea? We could still head home after that! That was so nice that you included Molly in your Blog!

pamedgar said...

Jim came up with an idea!!! He suggested that maybe we could plan a picnic BBQ at a park/beach in Vancouver on Saturday since we all have to come in and pick up our race packages anyway. I thought Spanish Banks might be a good idea, (weather permitting). What do you think?

ecorrina said...

I like the idea of the BBQ though weather may be an issue. Maybe some sort of back up plan. The other challenge is bringing food when people are travelling??

Julia said...

I think I would like to book a hotel room to avoid driving in from the Wack for the run. I'm up for a party after the event.