I’ve been doing pretty well with my running and decided to go with the Beginner Running Schedule! I did a few minor changes to fit my schedule, (I know, I know, I’m retired; what schedule?!) Well, I teach Zumba on Mondays, so had to adjust slightly! Anyway, this is the first week of the REAL DEAL, and up to this week I have been feeling great, my knee has been awesome and then POW! My Achilles tendon starts acting up! I’m trying hard to ignore it and hope that it just goes away, but it’s still there. I will ice it and try and rest on my rest days; but I’m committed to dog walking for a friend this week and still have another four weeks of Zumba, as well as rehearsing for a dance show case in May, so hopefully I’ll be able to do this!
The weather has been fantastic for running and all of our snow has finally melted, so the timing is perfect! Mom has crocuses blooming in her garden and I even have some spinach growing in mine! Yup! I planted it late in the season last year and it’s starting to pop up now! Anyway, Spring is here and what better time to train for a half marathon!
The other day I helped Mom pick out a pair of good walking shoes. She’s planning on walking the 5km route during the Scotia Half. Yeah Mom! Anyway, she put on a pair of Saucony runners and started running around the store! (Gee, maybe she’ll run it!) She’s been out walking every day since!
Perhaps we should start planning for a place for the out-of-towners to stay and a venue to get together? Anyone have any ideas?
Hope there is a Spring in everyone’s steps! Good luck with your training!
Pam :)
Good job on the post mom. You need rest even on the days that you had planned to run to heal you achilles (Ride the bike instead of run so that you're off your feet). Also, when you're practising your dances, you might not want to wear your dance shoes. Not sure if this well help but better to rest now and not have to pay later...
Aunty Pam....I really like your pun about having a Spring in our step!
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